Here are a few pictures of the Battle fought over the weekend of August 23rd-25th. Set up was Friday afternoon with the initial two turns played that evening. Rules used were Napoleon's Battles, figures are 15mm by various manufacturers provided by several of the participants.
The battlefield before troops were deployed.

Massena's Corp on their starting line on the French left:
Rosenberg's IV Korps is deployed around Markgrafneusiedl with Hohenzollern's II Korps on the plateau in the distance:
Von Bellegarde's I Korps ensconced in Wagram:
Klenau's VI Korps starts the game threatening the French left flank:
View from the East; first turn (06:00) under way:
Davout's Corps rumbles forward:
The village of Baumersdorf in the middle of the photograph, bracketed by the French in the upper left and the Austrians in the lower right:
Either Boudet's or Molitor's (I can't recall...) twiddling their thumbs in Raasdorf:
The Austrian III Korps joins the VI in attempting to outflank the French on their left:
The Austrians stream out of Wagram to meet the French head on:
Austrian cavalry cross the Russbach to threaten Davout's flank:
The Austrian II Korps congregate around Baumersdorf expecting a French assault:
Prochaska's Division parks itself outside Alderklaa before the French get there:
Elements of the Austrian 1st Korps under Fresnel face off against Oudinot's on the plain outside Wagram:
The French Imperial Guard, under Napoleon himself, advance quickly onto the battlefield, headed for Wagram:
The Austrians are expecting an assault on Markgrafneusiedl;
Prince Eugene's Army of Italy comes on in support of Massena on the left flank at Raasdorf:
Here we are mid-morning, Napoleon observing the fighting at Wagram from the enemy's perspective:
Same view from the east end of the table:
The Austrians have pulled back into Alderklaa as Bernadotte's IX Corps advances slowly on the town:
Napoleon observes the battle from a hill just south of Wagram and east of Alderklaa:
Battle breaks out on the plain south of Markgrafneusiedl and the Russbach:
Massena's effort to hold the French left flank goes very well; some of Lasalle's cavalry (on the left) can be seen behind the Austrian line, looking to run over some Landwehr to get to the cannons:
This is where I left the battle, as I was unavailable for Sunday. Bernadotte's infantry close in on the Austrians holed up in Alderklaa on the left and the battle for Wagram gets more troops fed into it at the top.
Just a few photos from Sunday morning as the new commanders take over for those of us who could not be there for day two:
A fantastic weekend out - a great way to end the summer. We are already think of our next massive battle for next summer.