Monday 18 March 2019

ECW Siege Table Part 4

Although progress has been rather slow over the last 2 weeks, I feel like the end is in sight. I made the manor house portion of the table: the wall and accompanying grounds. Although the walls of Rockingham castle are not very thick in reality, (think more manor house than castle) in the TV series careful camera shots give the impression that they are thick and have a walk. I could have made the walls thinner and made a wall walk out of wood but chose to go with a more stereotypical look for both simplicity and use in other games.

 The impressed foam is from Firedragon Games, both their stone wall and their random flagstone sheets.
I also made two breached wall sections. Foam insulation provided the bulk of the rubble with cut individual; stones as well as a mix of Woodland Scenics ballast and talus.

I also managed to get the first layer of 2mm static grass laid down. The line in the top right corner is a trail. Currently a paved footpath is in that area and I just added the trail for interest. I may (if time allows) put a fence along part of it.

Next up is priming the stone work and another layer of static grass on the field; this time a mix of Peco's 6mm summer and 4mm spring to give a it a nice rich look.