Monday, 18 May 2020

Ramshackle Barn With Thatch Roof

I am still waiting for my order from Warlord Games (usually very prompt) so I was working through my collection of kits and re-discovered a Renedra Ramshackle Barn. I had done one up for my urban Pulp Alley table (here for those that are interested) but decided to send this one back in time to the 17th century by exchanging it's shingle (or possibly tile roof) for a thatch one.
Although tile would have been acceptable for the period, the other rural buildings all have thatch roofs so I thought I would try my hand using the war gamer standard, fake fur.
I am not 100% happy with the result; I was hoping I could manipulate it so that it resembled the thatch roof of the Perry cottage.
However, given the barn is "ramshackle" I figured the rough look of the thatch represents the ill maintenance the building has suffered which the greenery in the thatch also shows.
Speaking of the Perry Miniatures cottage, I decide to use the wattle fence that came with it to make a pinfold.
The idea was shamelessly stolen from Silent Invader's thread here (pinfold on pg. 13) on the Lead Adventure Forum.
For those wondering what a "pinfold" was it is the same as a "pound" where stray animals were kept until their owners could afford to pay for the damages the stray/s had done or it/they were sold to cover such costs.
 Now back to postal box watching....

Monday, 4 May 2020

More Tabletop Workshop Buildings

I finished two more buildings in the Tabletop Workshop catalogue: the Town House and the Merchant's House.
Presumably a building named "Town House" would be found in an urban setting with little greenery and (possibly) cobble stone streets, but I based this structure so it fit in with my cottages.
Although the Merchant's House came with a thatch roof and the Town House a tile or slate roof, as both buildings have the same foot print you could swap them around as you please.
I am still not 100% happy with my daub colouring, although the Perry's cottage in my previous blog post is my favourite I can't remember how I painted it.
One of the nice features of the TW buildings is they have some interior detail if you want to use them for skirmish or RPG's.
I took these shots during WIP to show the interiors. The second floor also lifts out to gain access to the ground floor.
The musketeer shows that the windows are a little low for 28mm, and possibly also 25mm, but perfect for use with 1/72 figures.
For the sake of completing the set as it were, I have ordered two more buildings from Warlord Games. Given that I am still waiting on orders placed in February to arrive from the UK I don't anticipate seeing them too soon...