Although tile would have been acceptable for the period, the other rural buildings all have thatch roofs so I thought I would try my hand using the war gamer standard, fake fur.
I am not 100% happy with the result; I was hoping I could manipulate it so that it resembled the thatch roof of the Perry cottage.
However, given the barn is "ramshackle" I figured the rough look of the thatch represents the ill maintenance the building has suffered which the greenery in the thatch also shows.
Speaking of the Perry Miniatures cottage, I decide to use the wattle fence that came with it to make a pinfold.
The idea was shamelessly stolen from Silent Invader's thread here (pinfold on pg. 13) on the Lead Adventure Forum.
For those wondering what a "pinfold" was it is the same as a "pound" where stray animals were kept until their owners could afford to pay for the damages the stray/s had done or it/they were sold to cover such costs.
Now back to postal box watching....